Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2013 reflection

This is a very special post today when you are reading this it’s probably the Christmas holidays this post is about our reflection of 2013! We are now going to talk about our favourite times this year is... 1. Middle syndicate camp (Ashton) 2. Senor syndicate camp (Devin) 3. Fun Day (Devin) 4. learning Algorithms in maths (Ashton) 5. Kitchen chemistry (Devin) 6. Science (Ashton) 7. Maths (Devin) 8. Being in the highest group for everything (Ashton and Devin) The most important thing was helping other people when there sad. (Ashton) The most important thing was always trying to do my best in everything. (Devin) The time that was the most challenging part was spelling. (Ashton) The time that was the most challenging part was making sure I keep up with anything new in math. (Devin)

Monday, November 25, 2013


We have been learning about forces with my maths group the ovals.
First we did a balloon experiment. We first attached a piece of string to two chairs and then we put a straw on.  Then we taped a balloon to the straw then we blew up the balloon and let go it went down the string. This is because of the air force of the air trying to get out which pushes the balloon.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


This term for reading me Fin and Fergus did a puppet pals of how to train a dragon.
This is our summary of the book.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fireworks poem

Fast falling fireworks.
In the dark sky.
Red ,green and orange.
Ending soon no.
On the ground ready to be lighted.
Raining shiny shards of glass.
King of the world up so high.

Stars in the sky shining bright.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Dancing Raisins

I drew our experiment. I chose dancing raisins. The raisins went up and down because of the CO2 bubbles but in water there are no CO2 bubbles.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

favourite book

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I  learnt money and I got 100% that is good.
I learnt about putting money together like 633$ + 577$= 1100$.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


The Dark tunnel

One day when I was walking down the noisy street I fell into a dark hole. It was as deep as the centre like the earth. It was wet and boiling but then suddenly I saw a bright light through one tunnel and there were moving shadows. I went through the tunnel with moving shadows following me. It was scary. I keep thinking I see humans but they were like monsters. Suddenly I saw the bright light again I went towards it. Then suddenly I saw a Cyclops. It wanted to battle me so I ran he chased me...

Friday, September 13, 2013


Today for maths I learnt percentages. This question was... what percent of the box is green? the answer is 74% because there are 74 green boxes out of 100. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


  1. Can you infer what I am?

 I have big Sharp and scary teeth,  I am green sometimes, I scare people.

     2.  Can you infer What I am?

I am cute and cuddly, I am mans best friend, I can be tamed.

     3.  Can you infer what I am?

I am made of wood. I am made to draw, I come in different colours

Please answer as a comment.

koru art

please look at my other koro art.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


One day I was running around the house then suddenly my foot slipped and I fell into a crack this took me to a different dimension. It was really really.... Awesome! There were zombie pig men, creeper’s, ghast’s, ocelot’s, and so many more awesome things then suddenly I heard another crack and I fell back to my house I said to myself “well I wish I could of stayed there longer” but then I heard another crack “YES!!!!” it was the same dimension “man this is Awesome”. Then suddenly I got attacked then I fell back into my own dimension “I’m Glad I’m Home”.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Gym sport

On the 28th of August 2013 we went to Hamilton city gym club to do dance groups. I was in hip-hop group 1. it was fun.

koru art

Monday, August 19, 2013

toku mihi

Thursday, August 8, 2013

monster man

One day when I was walking down the beach I saw foot prints so I followed them. Then suddenly I saw a monster. It was massive! It was as huge as the sky tower. It was a slimy beast it had a big helmet with antennas coming out of its helmet. It was 50 times the size of me. "Run" I screamed the sand felt like hot coal so I ran in to the salt water then the alien followed but when it hit the water he burned and that was the end of him so I went home.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Once upon a time there was a hidden valley. In the valley there was a boy he could jump rivers and climb to the top of every tree in the valley and he could do lots of amazing things. He loves to eat fish and he loves to sit around the fire. One day when he was sitting around the fire a wolf came. The villagers said "run!!!!!" 
"NO!!!" the boy said "they are attracted to things that run. So wait and see what they do. If they attack, get your weapon and attack them back but you must not die. Now get your weapons." We got our pet bears and attacked. 

10 minutes later

We have won!!!

to be continued.....

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The rubbish robot

Once upon a time there was a rubbish bin just sitting on the beach. Suddenly a storm came. One night there was lightning ZAP!!! Then all the neighbours said “What was that?". The lightning had shocked a whole lot of bins. Suddenly there was a rumble!!! and a BANG!!! like something was running around. Everyone woke up and screamed and went outside and the rubbish bins were alive! 5 of them were nice and introduced themselves. "Hi, my name is Smelly, my name is Happy, my name is Jumpy, my name is Lovely, my name is Giggly, and that’s the evil one Smash".
To be continued....

Thursday, June 27, 2013


I am so EXCITED!!! for tonights show. I am in the space group. And I am also excited because of this afternoons one. We have been working with room 6 it is hard working with juniours. Our costume has an earth for the head with all these eyes coming out from it. We made movement in our cape by using a sheet and making some stars and gluing them on. We used a old jump jam suit and glued an eye on it.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Volcano city

Once upon a time there lived a boy that lived in a city of hot boiling magma.
Suddenly he heard a bang and a boom and then he saw what the big bang was.... it was a dinosaur. "Run!" they said, but  the dinosars were actually good. "Ok"  they said "Do you want a ride"and he replied "of course" and they all lived hapily ever after.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Reading summary

Martin Guptil - 189 not out against England
The article I read was is about Martin Guptil who hits 189 bowls without getting out. The article was about scoring the most bowls in new Zealander.  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Today for maths we practiced adding and subtracting decimals using different strategies. 

This photo shows me using reversing to solve subtraction problems. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


...as the sun came out...

As the sun came out all the monsters started to die expect for 2!!! The creepers and the spiders are here... “arhhhhh!!!” I started to collect some wood suddenly I saw the monsters, creepers and spiders start to chase me. Suddenly I heard a BOOM!!! What was that?” When I turned around I saw my house had blown up and the monsters stopped chasing me “I must build my house again.” “oh no, why do I only have 12 pieces of wood?” It took me all night “done” I said finally, “wow”!!! “I wasted all my wood”.


From Ashton J

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Term 2 goals

My goals for this term are...

  • to move up a handwriting group by sloping without a slop card
  • to get into cross country
  • to get a goal in soccer
  • to help people in maths
  • to be responsible year 4
  • to try to solve 2 digit times table problems by using more than one strategy
I am going to accomplish these by working harder.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Steve and the minecraft moon

Once I was sleeping in cumfy bed. Suddenly I woke up but I was still on earth getting atacked by a SCARY!!!!!! zombie I got my sword out but it was wooden so I ran and made a rocket.  I went into space I brang a yummy lunch it was sandwitches, cakes, chocolate, strawberrys and chocolate delight yum yum so off the food.  I found a sorce of life it was a alien I named the breed (gasp). And I him java. So I took him home mum said "What is that?" "a alien" I said and kept him.                                                                              
From Ashton

Roald Dahl

I have been reading the book James and the giant peach. My favourite part was when the giant peach landed on the empire state building.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Break ;-)

On our Easter Break I went to the park and ate an Easter egg that was about 10 CM and alot of small small miny easter eggs I got marsh meallow Easter eggg and lots of choclate I even got a fluffy chicken pen but I don't want to bring it to school because I don't want to bring it to school I've ate all of my Easter eggs but two giant Easter eggs.


            ...looking at all that chocolate...

One day I was looking around my house in the middle of the night. I ran into walls and into the door. I went through the window fell through the dirt into a land of chocolate getting chased by a marshmeallow man. So I ran in to the hot chocolate water fall and the mashmallow man followed. Then it was a yummy hot chocolate with marshmallows. Yummy! so I drank some hot chocolate and ate some chocolate with the siding with strawberries and tried to look out for those marshmallow men when suddenly a chocolate castle popped out in front of me and I lived in it for ever!!

From Ashton J

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

100 WC

If we shared

If we shared the world would be a much better place. People won’t be called mean names. No one will be hungry. if we share we will get lots and lots of friends. People will play with you and like you and be friends for life even when you are forty and even when you're older and you can share smiles and houses. You can share pets and friends. You can share lots of things as long as your'e nice and there will be no burglers because there will be people sharing things with them. That’s why you need to share.

From Ashton

Thursday, March 14, 2013


On Tuesday we did some maths about fractions. We did fractions about our names it was hard.

Friday, March 8, 2013


One day in the land of China, in the forest of Azkaban, there were two paths and 4 boys (me/Ashton, fin, Aaron and Thomas). Aaron and Thomas went down the mossy lane and they saw a terrifying dragon and a ghost dragon slayer. Then Fin and I went up the stairs. It was worth it because there was a field of leprucorns up there. They gave us 500,000 buckets of money. We bought a unicorn and a leprucorn and a very very tame dragon. We had to feed it souls of people and they lived haply ever after.
by Ashton

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Word foto app

We made these pictures on our ipods on a app called Word foto. We had to write words about ourself.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


On Tuesday we had tabloids.There were lots of activities. My favourite activity was the water games and the tug-of-war.Room7 in the Middle Syndicate won.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Powerful learners

This is a picture of me being a powerful learner. Powerful learners are managers,thinkers,contributors,communicators and explorers.
I need to manage my writing.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Yay I'm finally a year 4!  I was waiting for this to happen. I am so excited about this year. I am looking forward for camping at school in week 5. This year I am in room 7 again like last year when I was a year 3.

Check out my all about me tab at the top of my blog.